Women of the Wild

Mushrooms & Fertility Healing

Jenni Dais Season 1 Episode 3

Mushrooms have long been used for many things. Today we discuss the relationship between mushrooms and fertility healing. Learn which ones are beneficial and why!
Connect more with our host https://www.instagram.com/live.your.legend/ about this topic and more, all related to naturopathic health and wellness. 

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Welcome to Women of the Wild Podcast. Here, our community of wise women comes together to explore and discuss naturopathic medicine, fertility free birth, and cultivating inner peace and joy through embracing alternative lifestyles. These are powerful women and pioneers in the modern age who choose to live and heal free of Westernized limit. Many we will speak to have bravely and successfully cured themselves through chronic and even terminal illness prior to setting forth on their mission to offer healing to others. Together we return to our roots, to our inner wisdom and our birth rights to the wild in all of us, and together we grow to change the world. I'm your host, Jenny Dice. A couple weeks ago I was chatting briefly about my story of self-healing, ovarian tumors and infertility, and I mentioned that mushrooms were part of that healing path as well as a number of other holistic routes, but it seems like the mushrooms were the ones to raise the most eyebrows and have the most questions flowing in about them. And everybody wanted to know what their uses, their purpose is. And so I wanted to take a little bit and. It's a very unique topic to dive into, and as many of us know, there are many different types of mushrooms out there in the world and potentially even beyond this world, which is fascinating in and of itself To think of a little random fun fact for you, observations made on mushrooms grown in space actually show that they might thrive out there because there's no gravity to slow down the spread of the s. But anyway, that's not what we're here to talk about today, as cool as that is. So let's dive into the lovely hidden kingdom of mushrooms in regard to fertility. For centuries, mushrooms have been used both medicinally and ceremonially in the support of fertility for both men and women in ceremonial practices. They were and are used to connect a person with every part of their being to allow a space of open. And to observe the self in a new way. This deeply strengthened connection to the self offers, the opportunity to see pads that might otherwise not even be considered when it comes to health and healing, as well as it opens portals of energy to allow it to once again move and exchange freely through the body and surrounding energies. This allows a person to tap into healing vibrations and frequencies that surround us and to place these into parts of the being that need to be realigned in some cases. It also allows for a deep emotional and mental healing and realigning. The truth is the vast majority of us have traumas that deeply affect us. The memories of these are imprinted within us and they sit and they course poison through our soul. And this in turn can transmute to physical and emotional illnesses. This personally was something that I went through and had to do a lot of healing work around. Working with sacred mushrooms in the correct and safe setting can absolutely offer the opportunity to reach inside and address these long, buried traumas, clear old stagnant energy, and create new neural pathways in the mind, which allow for healing. And it is very much my personal belief that a healthy mind creates a healthy body. But we're not here to only speak of the intriguing possibilities of ceremonial mushrooms. These are certainly not an all for one, one for all type of thing to work with, and many people might have a greater interest in the medicinal side. Medicinal mushrooms are readily available and perfectly legal everywhere, so they're much simpler and yet still very effective option when it comes to healing, where ceremonial mushrooms open the mind and energy and empower a person to self explore via new pathways, thereby thinking of and creating specialized modes of healing. The medicinal mushrooms actually do the work of healing the physical aspects of the body once the illness or blockage is brought to light. When it comes to fertility, one of the best known is cordyceps. These mushrooms are rather fascinating in the way that they multiply by taking over the bodies of ants and other insects on them, burst free of their exoskeletons at the most opportune moment to allow their spores to spread. These beautiful little fruit bodies are then harvested and are able to be used by humans. Gorgeous SAPs increase the level of progesterone in women and testosterone in men, so they are beneficial for the fertility of both men and women. Gorgeous SAPs are not the only mushrooms that are beneficial as fertility support. Both Rahi and Maitake can be used to support hormone balance and improve healthy ovulation cycles in women. Shiitake are proven to support healthy circulation, which is vital to the health of the reproductive system, as well as the immune system, which a healthy immune system is highly important for everything So the shiitake mushrooms in particular have been proven to support the body in reducing tumor growth and uterine fibroid. For me, this was a big one that I personally used because my tumors were a lot of what I was dealing with in reducing to be able to increase my fertility levels and get my ovulation cycles back on track. Another incredibly cool aspect of using mushrooms as medicine as opposed to western routes of healing is that as long as you aren't allergic, of course there are no known side effects. The use of psilocybin, AKA ceremonial mushrooms is a bit different because they've not been studied extensively enough to know if there are risks or side effects yet. This is due to them being so newly accepted in our Western culture and are still considered illegal in many places. So it is advised to be smart and go with your gut instinct if you live in an area where they are legal and you choose to explore this route. and join us next week where we will talk with an incredibly inspiring and beautiful soul who chose to take on healing Graves' disease on her own. And we will talk a little bit about her journey and about the methods that she used and what you might be able to use in your own life if this is something that you are also going. If you'd like to learn more Chat more about my own healing journey, or to begin your own with some guidance from me, you can reach out to me as always through my Instagram at Live Your Legend, or through the link. I will pop down in the show notes of this episode. Love and Gratitude Tuesday.